Now protect your USB device or other USB device for transferring file from your computer. For security reason I am sharing this to you. This tricks able to help you and nobody does not transfer any file from your PC to any kind of Storage device. So, I hope that it’s must be help you.
Follow the below steps for Enable write protect:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
If you wanna to disable the Write protect system then just follow the same steps of the up and just change the value data 1 to 0 or you can cope the below code and paste it to your Notepad to “writtendisable.reg” this names.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Follow the below steps for Enable write protect:
- Go to your Run option and write “regedit”
- Now click “Ctrl+F” for find
- Written the Find box “Storagedevicepolicies” and press Enter
- Now Click the Write Protect option from the Right side and click to Modify it.
- Change the Value data 0 to 1
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
If you wanna to disable the Write protect system then just follow the same steps of the up and just change the value data 1 to 0 or you can cope the below code and paste it to your Notepad to “writtendisable.reg” this names.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
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